Training and workshops
AgriPartner Consulting is highly experienced in delivering tailored information and training to producer groups and the broader industry.
We take pride in our enviable reputation for delivering high quality workshops and presentations. We thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to provide practical and relevant information to audiences of 5 to 500 in either a workshop or full conference environment.
If you would like us to work with you, or a group you are involved with, contact us for more information on how we can help.
“This is my fiftieth year involved with sheep enterprises and I wouldn’t mind a dollar for every field day, workshop or symposium I’ve been to over the years. I also spent time as Chairman of the SA Sheep Advisory Group involving a lot of time with government and private vets at venues all around SA, and some in Victoria.
You presented for almost four hours, and the concepts explained and discussed kept all present totally absorbed and interested. I must say I have never heard anyone present and field questions with such ease, detailed comprehension and clarity.
Great effort, I think it will kick-start our next stage of improvement.
If you would like to stay up to date with workshops we are delivering in your area, sign up to receive announcements and updates on upcoming events.
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