Who are we?
Hamish Dickson is the Principal Livestock Consultant for AgriPartner Consulting, with over 15 years experience in the agricultural industry working in roles both on-farm and off. Hamish works with organisations and clients across Australia and internationally and brings a practical approach to a strong theoretical knowledge.
He has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with Honours, a Post Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Consulting, has undertaken training with the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a Certified Practising Agriculturist.
Hamish has specialist knowledge of ruminant nutrition and production systems. He is regularly called on as a livestock consultant to assist with advice, training and research in sheep and cattle nutrition, management and financial analysis.
“It is incredibly rewarding to be able to help clients realise more profitable and efficient farming enterprises. Sometimes its only minor changes that can make significant differences to their operation.”
Areas of Expertise
Ruminant nutrition
Livestock management
Ration formulation
Feed budgeting
Design and management of feedlots and containment areas
Livestock husbandry procedures
Precision sheep management
Group facilitation
Workshop/conference presentation
On-farm trials and project management
Dickson H, Jolly S (2011) National Procedures and Guidelines for Intensive Sheep and Lamb Feeding Systems (Meat and Livestock Australia)
Dickson H, Wallace A, Jolly S, Walkom S (2011) Prime Lamb Finishing Options; Key profit drivers for a range of finishing systems (Meat and Livestock Australia)
Lomax, S., Dickson, H., Sheil, M. and Windsor, P. (2010), Topical anaesthesia alleviates short-term pain of castration and tail docking in lambs. Australian Veterinary Journal, 88: 67–74.
H. Dickson, S. Lomax, P. Windsor, M. Sheil (2008). Post castration and tail docking pain alleviation in lambs. Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod. Vol. 27