Livestock technologies — AgriPartner Consulting

Livestock technologies

AgriPartner Consulting is a strong believer in the value that precision livestock technologies provide.

Pedigree Matchmaker AgriPartner

Electronic identification (eID) through the use of RFID tags will be the next major step forward for our livestock industry, just as GPS and variable rate technology has assisted the cropping sector. Technology is advancing at a rapid rate, allowing data collection from individual animals with less labour and cheaper than ever before.

Lamb autodrafter AgriPartner

Implementation of livestock technologies such as eID and Pedigree Matchmaker should be carefully planned to ensure the most cost effective strategy is employed. Investment in livestock technologies can significantly increase profit, however the first step is determine what strategy will create the highest return. A financial analysis will ensure that any investment is targeted at improving your key profit drivers.

Whether you decide to invest in equipment yourself or utilise contract services it is critical to utilise the information captured to progress your operation. Identifying which ewes have produced the greatest return from lamb and wool compared to those that have cost you money is a powerful management tool. 


AgriPartner Consulting is one of the few businesses accredited to process Pedigree Matchmaker and Walk-over weigh data. Contact us if you we can help you set up your system or you need data processed.

We also deliver the Sheep CRC workshop 'Using eID in sheep management and breeding', contact us if you would like to attend this training.


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